BA, Spanish minors in Dance and Creative Arts Therapy- Dance, Georgia College and State University
Contact Improvisation
Modern/Contemporary Dance
Dance Appreciation
Jazz Dance
West African Dance Forms
Alternative Formats (Dance Film and Site Dance)
Composition and Choreography
Professional experience
West African Dance forms, Instructor, Texas Woman's University
Publications in: Journal of Dance Education in Practice (DEip), and Journal of Dance Education (JODE), Black Dance Magazine, Dance Magazine, and Dance Teacher Magazine
Research presented at numerous conferences including: World Dance Alliance Americas Conference, Symposium on Performance of the African Diaspora as Social Change, Conference on the Americas, Women's Symposium, National Dance Education Organization, Dance Studies Association
Choreography has been presented at various venues and festivals including: Women in Dance Leadership Conference (Philadelphia, PA), Gospel Meets Jazz (Denton, TX), Every Woman Celebration (Denton, TX), Mobi Mini Fest-92Y Harkness Dance Center (New York, NY), Denton Black Film Festival (Denton, TX), Brave Arts Dance Festival (Stillwater, OK), American College Dance Association 2015 and 2016