BFA Four-Year Degree Plan: Design/Technology/Stage Management

The BFA design, technology and stage management option may be completed in four years
or eight semesters. Design, technology and stage management is a comprehensive major
and does not require a minor. The four-year degree plan does not take into account
dual credit or transfer credit that may be considered upon admission to the university.
Sample schedule
Please note that the schedule below is only a guide. You may be able to take courses
in a different order; please consult your advisor before registering.
The following degree plan, last reviewed 8-15-2023, is based on the 2023-24 catalog and Missouri State general education requirements.
First semester (fall, even year)
Courses |
Hours |
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Total hours |
17 |
Second semester (spring, odd year)
Courses |
Hours |
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General education course: Social & Behavioral Science |
3 |
Total hours |
15 |
Third semester (fall, odd year)
Courses |
Hours |
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Generation education course: Writing II |
3 |
Total hours |
15 |
Fourth semester (spring, even year)
Courses |
Hours |
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General education course: Life Science with lab |
4 |
General education course: The Arts |
3 |
Total hours |
15 |
Fifth semester (fall, even year)
Courses |
Hours |
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General education course: Social & Behavioral Science |
3 |
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Total hours |
15 |
Sixth semester (spring, odd year)
Courses |
Hours |
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General education course: Physical Science |
3 |
General education course: Cultural Competence |
3 |
Total hours |
16 |
Seventh semester (fall, odd year)
Courses |
Hours |
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Theatre Elective |
3 |
General education course: Humanities |
3 |
General education course: Public Issues |
3 |
Total hours |
15 |
Eighth semester (spring, even year)
Courses |
Hours |
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Theatre elective |
3 |
Theatre elective |
3 |
Theatre elective |
3 |
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Total hours |
16 |
Tips for Success
- A number of courses are only offered every other semester or every other year. Please
be mindful of these periodicities and visit your advisor often to stay on track.
- THE 150 and THE 151 should be taken as soon as possible as they are prerequisites
for most design, technology, and stage management courses.
- This BFA curriculum requires two different elective options as defined by the catalog.
- Program Requirement B-1-e requires five (5) elective hours inside or outside of the
- Program Requirement B-2-C-3 requires six (6) elective hours from among the following
courses: THE 324, 350, 454, 460, 530, 552, 555, 558, 565, COM 205, 332.